2004 Index
- Father's Day 2004
- Graduation Party, June 27, 2004
- Julia arrives, Feb 2, 2004!
- Prom Pictures 2004
- Contact Sheets of Rob Pictures
- Robert in 'Til Death Do Us Part February 2004
- Myra, Greg, and Ed Bacon
- Greg's Graduation 2004
- "The Last 5 Years" 5/28
- Rob Goes to NYU August 28, 2004
- Pictures of Our Yard Sale, Sept. 25, 2004
- Kerry Clinton 10/25/04
- Nice Megan Pic
- Pictures of Halloween at Jo Ann's, October 30, 2004
- Robert's Birthday and a Visit With Jack, 11/13/04
- Ed Bacon Foundation Launch, 11/12/04, Freeman's, Philadelphia
- Christmas Eve and Christmas, 2004
- Pictures of Our Trip to the South, 12/28/03-1/2/04
- Robert Pictures
- Yearbook Montage