
Version / Segments

Educational Version

This combined television series and video encyclopedia will be an important key to educating adults and youth toward a more expansive view of Jews and Judaism, offering a deeper look at the principles of American liberty. Accompanying text and curriculum materials make the cardinal lessons of the video programs available to schools, libraries and institutions of higher learning. The producers will utilize the most advanced digital technologies to create CD-ROM, DVD and on-line website versions of the series that will allow viewers to click on any subject they wish to learn more about. 350 years of Jews in America will offer a unique and comprehensive compendium of 350 years of modern Jewish history.

Segment 1: 1634 — 1830

First Jews arrive in New Amsterdam (1634)... (Background: Spanish Jews forced to flee in 1492 or convert, in 1630's a Spanish group who had fled to Amsterdam sailed to Recife, Brazil when Dutch conquered the city.) In 1654, the Portuguese conquered Recife and the Jews have to flee again, this time to Dutch New Amsterdam (New York))... Asher Levy fights for civil rights and responsibilities... Louis Gomez in Hudson River Valley (1700)... Jews as merchants and traders ... fight to own property... 100 Jews build first synagogue in NY, Shearith Israel — only American synagogue for 100 years... 100 Jews settle in Rhode Island, freedom of worship... founding of Touro Synagogue (1763)... The new Jews engage in many professions... Aaron Lopez founds a large shipping business... Jewish communities in Charleston, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Savannah... Jews support the Revolution...Francis Salvador, 1st Jew to die in the Revolution (1776)... Mordechai Sheftall leads Rebel Committee in Savannah... Hyam Salomon becomes broker for Congress, helps fund Revolution... Jews fight for their new country... Impact of Constitution and Bill of Rights in ending official religious discrimination and tolerance... Newport letter to Washington and his reply... Mordechai Noah and Ararat (1825)... Damascus Affair... Rebecca Gratz...1st Jewish Sunday School (1821)... Uriah Levy's colorful naval career, his fight to abolish flogging, rise to Commodore and his purchase and rebuilding of Jefferson's Monticello (1836)...Jews embrace America... still facing discrimination — but better off than anywhere else.

Segment 2: 1840 — 1870

Anti-Semitism breaks out in Europe following Napoleonic Wars, revolutions and depression...15,000 Jews in America in 1840, 50,000 by 1847...100,000 German Jews arrive 1847-1860...many Jews move into the Midwest, South and West... Hard working, specialize in retail trade and peddling, pioneered installment selling...Jews become very successful...Create stores, manufacturing...Elected mayors and legislators...Isaac Leeser's attempt to reinforce Judaism in America ... Birth of many charitable organizations...Bnai Brith...Civil War...Jews support both North and South...Most Jews in North...flock to flag on both sides (10,000) and anti slavery...many rise to general...7 Medal of Honor winners ...Judah P. Benjamin...Anti-Semitism grows during wartime...Grant's Order 11 and Lincoln's canceling...Growth of Jewish community in West, San Francisco, Levi Strauss, Julius Meyer, Seligman, ... Jews become firmly established and find opportunities during and following war...rising political influence.

Segment 3: 1880 — 1930

Our Crowd "...Jewish prominence in Merchant Banking: Seligman, Loeb. Kuhn. Warburg, Guggenheim... German Jews seek to assimilate... support many charities... Pulitzer... the Arts... Hammerstein... Oscar Straus first Jew in Cabinet (T. Roosevelt)... Damrosch... Simon Baruch... Albert Michelson (Nobel Prize)... Franz Boas... growth of bigotry... Hilton affair... growth of Jewish schools... Isaac M. Wise and religious reform...Temple Emanuel...Union of American Hebrew Congregations... Hebrew Union College... David Einhorn prayer book... Treyf Banquet... Pittsburgh Platform (1885)... 1880 — less than 10% affiliated with congregations... Emma Lazarus... European depression, Russian anti-Semitism... tidal wave of immigrants arrive in US, 1880-1914, 2 million Jews from Eastern Europe... penniless, living in slums... garment trade... immigrant organizations and charities... education... National Council of Jewish Women... Jewish crime... Jewish radicalism, socialism... Labor organizing... assimilation... 23% getting Jewish education... Rabbi Jacob Joseph... Judah Magnes... Workman's Circle... Yiddish Press... Abraham Cahan... Louis Marshall... Morgenthau... Lehman... Springarn... Brandeis & Supreme Court... Kishenev... Marshall & the Russian Trade Treaty... American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee... Julius & Bill Rosenwald... World War I... Bernard Baruch, War Industries Board... Jewish support... the Lost Battalion... Beginning Zionism... Balfour Declaration... Leo Frank and rise of anti-Semitism... KKK... Henry Ford... Immigration closed... Jewish gangsters & boxers... Jews in theatre, movies, entertainment, literature... Rise of Conservative Judaism... The Depression... Anti-Semitism... Support for Communism... the New Deal... Jews rise in national politics... Support for Democratic Party... Benjamin Cardozo... Felix Frankfurter... Herbert Lehman.

Segment 4: 1940 — 1960

Hitler and World War II... Jews in Europe and Russia... the Bund... Kristallnacht... no asylum... the St. Louis... Hitler's Final Solution... American Zionism reborn... Jewish scientists flee to America, work for US military effort, atom bomb... Einstein, Szilard, Teller, Oppenheimer, Fermi, Rabi... 550,000 Jews serve in military... Henry Morgenthau... Rescue efforts... Roosevelt and the Jews... Pressure for a Jewish Homeland... Britain in Palestine... Truman becomes President...UN founded... Committee of Inquiry... Jews organize to pressure Truman to support creation of Israel... Postwar American opinion (1946) swings to support Israel (76%)... Attacks on British... Refugees turned away... American Jewish pressure assists final UN vote for partition... Niles, Nathan, Clifford... Truman recognition of Israel... Arms embargo... US arms smuggling... money raising... the Exodus... House Un-American Activities Committee... Rosenbergs and spies... American Jews arise economically... NY Times... Washington Post... Annenbergs... Newhouse... Merchant bankers... Brokerage houses... Retailing... Sports... Hyman Rickover... Radio, Movies... TV... The Arts... Organizing the Jewish community — the Federation, the UJA, welfare, education... ADL... Phil Klutznick... Jewish communalism... growth of Conservative Movement... 100,000 Eastern European Jews arrive in US (1947-1952)... growth of Chasidism and Orthodoxy... Mordecai Kaplan, Maurice Samuel, Abraham Heschel... Yeshiva U.... Brandies U... Eisenhower and Suez Affair... confrontation over contribution to Israel... Jews take advantage of American life, education, suburbs, professions.

Segment 5: 1960 — 2002

(including community involvement) Conference of Presidents of major Jewish organizations formed... AIPAC created... American Jewish commitment to Israel fundraising grows... Kennedy courts Jewish vote... Important in 1960 election... weapons sold to Israel... Johnson's close relationship to Jews... appointing Fortas to Supreme Court... Arthur Goldberg to UN... promoting Civil Rights... black — Jewish relationship... Reorganizing the UJA... conflict between Israel and local funding needs... 6 Day War...UJA and Bonds collect $430 million in emergency assistance... Jewish identity shoots up... Nixon's early unfriendliness... Henry Kissinger at NSC... Nixon becomes friendly to Israel, crucial support in Yom Kippur War (1973)... Emergency collection over $1 billion... Federations move to support Jewish education... Influence of Israel on American Jewish identity... American Jews pilgrimage to Israel... Jewish impact on American culture, science, universities, literature, music, art, medicine, economics, social science, movies, entertainment... Jews flock to colleges... acceptance in American society and professions... Jews in politics... Early problems from the fringe Right... Jewish support for liberal causes... Black Jewish relationships... JDL... Jewish community splits over affirmative action, quotas... Jews increasingly move toward political center... but still favor Equal Rights Amendment... Feminism... Abortion... The Holocaust Museum, Eli Weisel... American Jews move in two directions: assimilation & heightened identity... Day schools... Jewish Studies... Wexner Foundation... Jews in government, Lieberman, Zakheim, Wolfowitz, Senators & Congressmen, Governors, Mayors, etc.

Remainder of Reel

Remainder of reel for local community history: NY, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Boston, Philadelphia and many other communities with a rich Jewish heritage.