

Video Number 1
November 2Balfour Declaration issued: declared that the British government favored "the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people."
 Britain defeats Turkish army in Palestine; occupies area.
 Great Britain granted rule over Palestine under terms of the League of Nations Mandate.
April 15, 1936Arab Revolt in Palestine results in terror attacks on Jews throughout Palestine. In three years, hundreds of Jews are murdered. British troops and Arab forces clash.
JulyBritish Peel Commission Report recommends dividing (partitioning) Palestine between Jews and Arabs because their claims are irreconcilable.
August20th Zionist Congress agrees to partition with revisions.
MarchJoint Conference called by Britain to discuss partition of Palestine; Jews accept; Arabs refuse to talk to the Jews.
May 17British White Paper limits Jewish immigration and land purchases in Palestine. Rejected by Jews and Arabs.
September 1Germany invades Poland. World War II begins.
SeptemberBritish allow formation of Jewish Brigade; approximately 15,000 soldiers fight in Italy.
May 8German surrender ends World War II in Europe. 5,820,000 Jews killed in Holocaust.
July 26Labor Party wins election in Britain; Clement Attlee is Prime Minister; Ernest Bevin, Foreign Minister. Favors Arabs.
 Jewish troops in Europe (Jewish Brigade) and Jewish Agency assist Holocaust survivors to flee to Israel.
August 31British reject U.S. call to allow 100,000 Jewish survivors into Palestine.
JanuaryBritain closes Jewish immigration; intercepts and turns back ships of fleeing Jewish refugees and survivors. Britain sends Jews to camps in Cyprus. Irgun, Lechi and the Haganah intensify attacks on British occupation forces.
May 1Anglo-American Committee recommends 100,000 Jewish survivors be allowed into Palestine. Rejected by British government.
July 22Irgun, under leader Menachem Begin, bombs British headquarters at the King David Hotel: 76 killed.
December22nd Zionist Congress elects David Ben-Gurion as leader of the Jewish Agency and calls for build-up of the Haganah (underground Jewish army).
 Britain asks United Nations to decide future of Palestine. U.N. sets up special committee.
AugustU.N. committee recommends partition.
November 29U.N. votes to accept recommendation for partition.
 Arabs mount bloody attacks on Jews across all of Palestine. Plan coordinated military attack to block U.N. partition and kill Jews.
January 17Arabs kill and mutilate 35 Jews near Jerusalem.
April 19Irgun attack on Deir Yasin, 200 Arabs die; later, 200,000 Palestinian Arabs flee for nearby Arab states.
Video Number 2
May 14Israel declares independence: proclaims Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel. Head of provisional government is David Ben-Gurion.
May 14United States recognized the State of Israel. Russia follows on May 18.
May 14Five Arab armies (Syrian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Egypt, Lebanese) invade Israel from north, east and south to destroy the new state.
May 18Battle for Jerusalem begins; Jordan attacks Jews.
May 19-20Egyptian army slowed at Yad Mordechai south of Tel Aviv; Syrian invasion forces stopped at Kibbutz Degania in Galilee.
May 20U.N. appoints Count Bernadotte as mediator. Presents highly pro-Arab solution.
May 22Egyptian forces enter Bethlehem.
May 24Egyptians sweep past Yad Mordechai advance north along coast to Ashdod. Prepare for attack on Tel Aviv.
May 28Old City of Jerusalem falls to Jordanians. Jerusalem cut off when roads are blocked.
June 11Temporary four week truce agreed upon; to go into effect in four days.
June 11-14New road to Jerusalem built through mountains. Relief convoys bring food and water to starving Jerusalemites and troops.
June 20Irgun ship Altalena attacked and sunk by Ben-Gurion and Haganah. IDF formed.
JuneIsrael receives arms from Czechoslovakia, buys airplanes, begins airforce and navy. Israeli troops undergo intense training.
July 8Fighting renewed. Israelis attempt to relieve siege of Jerusalem. Egyptians launch drive for Tel Aviv.
July 13Israeli army victories turn back Egyptian threat to Tel Aviv and hold open route to Jerusalem.
July 16Jordan agrees to cease-fire in Jerusalem. Israel captures Nazareth.
July 18Arab League and Israel agree to new cease-fire.
August 15Fighting renewed when Egypt attacks relief convoy sent to bring food to cut-off Israeli settlements in Negev.
September 17Assassination of U.N. mediator Count Bernadotte by Lechi.
October 21Israeli forces capture Beersheba in Negev.
October 31Palestine-Lebanese army cut off in north retreats to Lebanon; Galilee region falls to Israeli forces. Arabs remaining in Galilee and choose to become Israeli citizens.
November 2Harry Truman re-elected U.S. President.
January 3-5Israeli force raids 35 miles southward, penetrating deep into the Sinai. Israeli airforce shoots down 5 British fighters sent against the Sinai expedition. Cease-fire.
January 13U.N. sponsors armistice talks on Rhodes.
January 25First election for Knesset; Labor wins vote.
February 16Knesset elects Dr. Chaim Weizmann as Israel's first President.
February 23Armistice signed between Israel and Egypt.
March 10First government formed: David Ben-Gurion becomes first Israeli Prime Minister.
March 23Armistice signed between Israel and Lebanon.
March 24U.N. Security Council votes 9-1 to favor Israel's admission to the United Nations.
April 3Armistice signed between Israel and Jordan.
May 11United Nations General Assembly votes to admit Israel into the United Nations.
July 20Armistice signed between Israel and Syria.
 More than 550,000 Jewish refugees forced to flee Arab lands arrive in Israel from 1949 through 1950.
 Jewish immigration from Europe reaches 600,000 between 1949 and 1970.
JanuaryArab League plans stiff commercial boycott of Israel to strangle the new state. Office set up in Syria in 1951 to enforce boycott.
 Israel struggles to build economy, construct housing and bring vital services to its fast growing population
April 24Jordan annexes West Bank of Palestine occupancy during the Israeli War.
May 19Egypt closes Suez Canal to Israel.
 Continuing military/terrorist incidents with Egypt, Syria and Jordan.
July 20King Abdullah of Jordan assassinated by Egyptian agents after secret talks with Israel concerning peace.
 Arab states organize terror attacks on Israel. 967 Israelis killed between 1951-1955.
May 2Hussein becomes King of Jordan.
July 22Egyptian military overthrows King and takes control of government.
September 10West Germany agrees to pay $822 million in reparations for World War II.
November 5Dwight Eisenhower elected President of the United States.
November 7Death of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, first President of Israel.
 Increasing terrorist and military attacks by Arab forces all along the Israeli border. Attacks continue until 1956.
December 6Ben-Gurion retires from government.
Video Number 3
January 26Moshe Sharett becomes Prime Minister.
April 17Gamal Abdel Nasser takes control of government of Egypt.
October 19Egypt gets Britain to sign treaty pulling all British troops out of Egypt. Israel wary.
February 15Ben-Gurion returns to government as Defense minister.
August 22Fighting with Egypt erupts in Gaza Strip.
September 27Communist Czechoslovakia supplies arms to Egypt.
October 20Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia sign military alliance.
November 2Ben-Gurion becomes Prime Minister again.
December 11Fighting breaks out over Syrian attacks around Galilee area.
 Straits of Tiran blockaded by Egypt stops all sea trade to Eilat, Israel.
May 12Jet fighters delivered from France.
May 20Communist Poland begins supplying arms to Egypt.
June 13Last British soldiers pulled out of Egypt. British bases closed. Egypt takes over complete control of Suez Canal.
July 26Egypt nationalizes Suez Canal. Britain and France worry that Egyptian control of Suez could effect their economies.
OctoberJordan joins Egyptian-Syrian military pact. Egypt increases military forces in Sinai.
 Britain and France plan to reoccupy Suez Canal. Bring Israel into planning.
October 29Israel military force crosses border, attacks Egyptian forces in Sinai; advances toward Suez Canal. Beginning of Sinai campaign.
October 30Britain and France issue ultimatum to Egypt and Israel to clear forces away from Canal area and allow British and French occupation. Rejected by Egypt. Israel stops 30 miles from Canal, takes Sharm el-Sheik to reopen Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping.
October 31Britain and France bomb Canal area.
November 5-6Britain and France land military forces in Canal zone. Capture most of Suez Canal.
November 6U.S. and Russia demand cease-fire. Britain, France and Israel agree.
November 15United Nations Emergency Force lands in Egypt to supervise cease-fire.
December 22After U.S. threats, Britain and France withdraw forces. Israeli forces stay in Sinai.
February 2U.N. resolution calls on Israel to withdraw from Sinai.
February 3Israel refuses to withdraw without guarantee of free passage through Straits of Tiran and through Gulf of Aqaba.
February 5U.S. threatens Israel with economic sanctions.
February 11U.S. assures Israel it supports "free passage" through the Gulf of Aqaba. Israel refuses U.N. demand to leave Gaza Strip.
March 1Israel announces withdrawal from Sinai on "assumption" of free passage in Gulf of Aqaba and agreement that U.N. will fence off and administer Gaza Strip. Egypt disregards agreement, moves back into Gaza 48 hours after Israel withdraws.
MayEgypt continues to refuse Israel the right to use the Suez Canal
July 9Israeli forces battle Syrian attack for 10 hours.
 Immigration increases to Israel.
May 23Israel captures Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. He had been in charge of exterminating Jews in the death camps. In 1961, he goes on trial for crimes.
May 21Adolf Eichmann found guilty (Dec. 15) and executed.
September 26U.S. announces military assistance to Israel.
June 16Ben-Gurion retires from government.
June 26Levi Eshkol becomes new Prime Minister.
February-OctoberSyria attacks Israeli settlements in 15 attacks all along border.
January-AprilSyria initiates 26 wide-ranging attacks on Israeli settlements.
April 7Six Syrian planes shot down in clash with Israeli planes.
May 14Egypt mobilizes military forces.
May 16-17Egypt declares state of emergency. Syria goes to full military alert.
Video Number 4
May 16Egyptian military forces advance across Sinai toward Israel.
May 18Egypt demands full withdrawal of U.N. buffer forces in the Sinai.
May 19U.N. buffer forces withdraw. Egypt announces that this is the chance to "blot out [Israel's] entire presence."
May 20Israel mobilizes military forces.
May 22Egypt again closes the Straits of Tiran and Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping.
May 25Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia move troops to mass on Israel's borders. Anti-Israel rhetoric reaches fever pitch.
May 28Egypt orders all U.N. personnel out of Egypt. Threatens to close Suez Canal.
May 31Egypt masses 100,000 soldiers, 1,000 tanks along the border of Israel. Israel outnumbered 3 to 1 by surrounding Arab armies.
June 1Moshe Dayan joins Israeli government as Defense Minister.
June 2Britain, Canada and U.S. tell Israel they are unable to send ships to open the Straits of Tiran.
June 4Iraq joins Egypt-Jordan military agreement.
June 5Israel launches surprise dawn air attack on Egyptian air bases destroying Egyptian airforce on the ground. Six Day War begins.
 Jordan launches attack at Jerusalem.
 Israeli forces cut through West Bank.
June 6Israeli forces crack Egyptian defenses and race deep behind Egyptian forces to block Sinai mountain passes near Suez Canal.
 Israeli forces surround Jerusalem.
June 7Israeli forces capture Old City of Jerusalem. West Bank captured up to the Jordan River.
June 7-8Egyptian Sinai forces destroyed as they try to retreat through the now Israeli controlled mountain passes and coastal roads. Straits of Tiran opened. Entire Sinai in Israel control.
June 8U.N. call for a cease-fire accepted by Egypt, Jordan and Israel.
June 9-10Israeli counterattack on Golan Heights drives Syrians back. Golan falls to Israel.
June 10Syria and Israel accept U.N. cease-fire.
June 11Israeli ship sails through Straits of Tiran.
June 27Israel passes laws for administration of the West Bank and incorporating East Jerusalem into Israeli Jerusalem.
September 1Arabs at Khartoum Conference declare their answer to Israel: "Three No's: No recognition; No negotiations; No peace."
October 21Egyptian missiles sink the Israeli destroyer Eilat in the Mediterranean.
November 22U.N. Security Council unanimously accepts Resolution 242.
July 18Arab terrorists hijack El Al airliner.
OctoberIsraelis drive PLO terrorists under Yassir Arafat from West Bank into Jordan. Lebanon and Jordan become bases for terror attacks against Israel.
October 26Egypt launches War of Attrition along the Suez Canal, shelling Israeli positions. War lasts until 1970. Bar-lev line of fortifications built along the Canal to protect Israeli troops
JanuaryFrance shuts off all military aid to Israel.
February 26Prime Minister Levi Eshkol dies.
March 17Golda Meir becomes new Prime Minister.
August 19Egypt, Jordan and Israel accept a U.S. proposal for a 90 day cease-fire to end the War of Attrition.
September 6Arab terrorists hijack 4 airliners to Jordan.
SeptemberKing Hussein of Jordan attacks PLO camps and forces PLO to flee to Syria and Lebanon.
 Gamal Abdul Nasser dies. Anwar Sadat becomes leader of Egypt.
September 5-6PLO terrorists attack Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics; 11 athletes killed.
September 8Israeli airforce retaliates with attacks on PLO bases in Lebanon and Syria.
MarchSadat of Egypt sends envoy to Syria to propose joint military action against Israel.
OctoberEgyptian military units advance to the Canal each day and then pull back. Syria reinforces its troops along the front lines.
 Israeli intelligence believes Egyptian and Syrian movements are only training exercises.
Video Number 5
October 6Egypt launches massive attack across Suez Canal, surprising the Israelis on Yom Kippur and breaching the Israeli lines. Yom Kippur War begins.
 Syrian tanks launch massive attack on small Israeli forces guarding the Golan.
October 8Syrian forces take most of Golan Heights. Only 6 Israeli tanks remain to block Syrian advance into Israel.
October 9Israeli forces rush north to stop Syrian advance. Six Israeli tanks stall Syrian attack.
October 10Israeli armored reinforcements join attack in the north, destroying 1,000 Syrian tanks. Push Syrians back to original lines.
 On the Egyptian front, Israeli counterattacks fail. Egyptian forces having made 5 miles of progress dig in and consolidate their lines. Israel forced to fall back and regroup forces 9 miles from Canal.
 Russians begin massive arms shipments to Syria.
October 14Egypt launches massive attack to break Israeli lines. Attack broken with 305 Egyptian tanks destroyed.
 U.S. begins airlift of supplies to Israel.
October 15Israeli counterattack under Sharon cuts through Egyptian lines and crosses Canal.
October 18Israeli forces build second bridge across Suez and move large forces to Egyptian side of Canal.
 On Syrian front, Israeli forces advance past previous border. Take positions only 22 miles from Damascus, the Syrian capital
October 20Kissinger flies to Russia to discuss cease-fire agreement with the Russians.
October 22U.N. passes resolution calling on all parties to cease-fire. Accepted by Israel, Syria and Egypt
 Egyptian forces try to open escape roads on the Egyptian side of Canal. Attack on Israeli units breaks the cease-file
October 23-24Israeli armored units in Egypt complete encirclement of Egyptian 3rd army, pinning it at the Suez Canal.
 Russians threaten to intervene to protect Egypt
 U.S. puts worldwide military forces on nuclear alert to block Russian possibility for intervention.
October 26Surrounded Egyptian forces make last ditch effort to break out in three hour battle that fails.
December 1David Ben-Gurion dies.
December 22Egypt, Jordan, Israel, the U.S. and Russia gather in Geneva, Switzerland for peace talks.
January 17Egypt and Israel sign an agreement on disengagement.
April 2State report reveals political and military blunders leading up to and during war.
 Senior Israeli military leaders resign.
April 11Prime Minister Golda Meir resigns. Yitzhak Rabin becomes Prime Minister.
MaySyrian-Israeli disengagement concluded.
AprilKissinger's shuttle diplomacy wins final agreement from Syrians and Israelis.
September 4-5Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy wins final agreement from Egypt and Israel.
November 10U.N. passes PLO resolution that "Zionism is a form of racism."
July 4Israeli commandos fly to Entebbe, Uganda and, in a daring raid, free 110 hostages (103 Israelis) hijacked by terrorists from an Air France airliner.
May 17Likud Party defeats Labor in Israel’s 9th general election campaign. First change of Israeli government since 1948 and founding of the state. Menachem Begin becomes Prime Minister.
NovemberAnwar Sadat, President of Egypt, flies to Jerusalem, Israel to discuss peace. Addresses Knesset.
September 4-17U.S. President invites Begin and Sadat to the Presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland to work together and forge a peace agreement. After rough start, final terms agreed to on 17th. Israel to withdraw from all of Sinai in return for peace treaty.
March 26Formal treaty of peace signed between Israel and Egypt by Begin and Sadat in Washington D.C. U.S. President Carter instrumental in forging final agreement.
October 6Anwar Sadat assassinated by fundamentalist extremists for making peace with Israel. Hosni Mubarak becomes Egyptian leader.
 Israeli bombers destroy Iraqi atomic reactor at Osiraq. Raid temporarily stops Iraqi atomic weapons program.
April 25Israel completes full pull-out from Sinai. Returns territory to Egypt.
June 6Israel invades Lebanon in response to continuing terrorist raids and incidents. Seeks to destroy PLO terrorist bases.
 By mid-June, Israeli forces drive PLO from southern Lebanon to refuge in Beirut.
AugustAfter 3 month siege, Beirut falls to Israeli forces. PLO fighters expelled from Beirut.
August 21Fighting ceases.
September 14Bashir Gemayel, Christian Phalangist and president elect of Lebanon, assassinated in Beirut, Lebanon by Lebanese Moslems.
September 16-17Christian Phalange fighters pass through Israeli lines and attack PLO refugee camps at Sabra and Shatilla. Massacre results.
December 28Direct Israeli-Lebanese talks begin.
SeptemberMenachem Begin resigns as Prime Minister. Leaves government. Yitzhak Shamir becomes new Prime Minister.
 Israel agrees to withdrawal to Awali River in Lebanon.
SeptemberIsraeli elections; No party receives majority; Unity government formed with Labor leader Shimon Peres as Prime Minister.
 Israeli forces withdraw from Lebanon after setting up a security zone to protect border from PLO infiltrators. PLO launches many infiltration attempts.
OctoberYitzhak Shamir (Likud) rotates to leadership of Unity government.
December 9Intifada breaks out in West Bank and Gaza.
NovemberElections bring no winner. New Unity government formed with Shamir as leader.
 Liberalization of emigration policy in Russia opens door for Russian Jews.. More than 300,000 Jews arrive in Israel between 1989-1991.
NovemberLabor Party pulls out of Unity government. Elections return Likud to power. Shamir heads government.
January-FebruaryGulf War; U.S. coalition forces attack Iraqi forces in Kuwait. Win lightning war. Iraq fires 30 Scud missiles at Israel causing great property damage but only one Israeli killed.
May14,000 Ethiopian Jews airlifted to Israel in 22 hours.
OctoberAmericans organize Madrid Conference to bring Arab states (Syria, Jordan, Palestinians, Lebanon) together to talk peace arrangements with Israel.
 Peace talks between Israel and Arab states continue in Washington D.C. and other world cities.
June 23Israeli election returns Labor Party to power. Yitzhak Rabin becomes Prime Minister.